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A podcast dedicated to encouraging the body of Christ to engage in honest, Christ centered worship.





Sammy is currently the host of The Honest Worship Podcast. He is also in his sophomore at The College of New Jersey and has a heart to see the people of God come back to Biblical and Christ centered worship.



Rachel is the mastermind behind all the cool graphics that you see on The Honest Worship Podcast's Instagram. She currently serves as the worship director of Pennington AG and is on staff with InterVarsity at The College of New Jersey



Rufus is the co-host of The Honest Worship Podcast. He currently serves as the worship leader of his local church and regularly teaches the word of God from the pulpit as well.

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The Trinity:

The Trinity is the Godhead three in one. There is one God eternally existent as one in essence and three in person. The three persons of the Trinity are, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


The Father:

The Father is a member of the divine Trinity. The Father is the one who commissioned the Son on a mission to seek and save the lost ultimately for the glory of His name.


The Son:

The Son is a member of the divine Trinity. He is the one who was sent by the Father to bear the iniquity of man. The Son is seen in the person of Jesus who is the son of God the Father and is also equal to the Father. However the son did not consider equality with the Father a thing to be grasped and chose to be obedient to the Father by becoming the ultimate sacrifice that can be seen in the cross of Jesus Christ.


The Holy Spirit:

The Holy Spirit is a member of the divine Trinity and also the promise of Jesus Christ to his followers as seen in Acts chapter one. The Holy Spirit is equally God just as the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit was sent to the earth to ultimately conform us to the image of Christ and empower the body of Christ to be His witnesses. When the Holy Spirit is truly at work, He will always bear witness to Jesus (John 15:26). 


The Scriptures:

The Bible is the only infallible, true, and revealed word of God to the church and is the highest authority over the church and is the very foundation of the body of Christ.



Sin entered the world due to one man’s disobedience and proceeding sin, death. Humanity is filled with evil as stated in Romans 1:29. And as it states in Romans 3:9 and Romans 5:17 sin was ruling over us and we were made subject to its power. Humanity indulged itself in the passions of sin was consumed by it, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Sin became the very core of our being. Ultimately sin separated man from the one true and Holy God who cannot by any means stand sin. Therefore, due to humanity’s love for sin, mankind as a whole became haters of God. For that reason all men were made subject to God’s wrath.



Salvation is God’s plan to rescue humanity from Himself. To save man from His holy and righteous wrath. God being just and holy, abhors sinners (Psalms 5:5-6) and their sin. However, God being loving and gracious chose to send His son Jesus Christ as a substitute to step in the place of sinners and to take upon Himself the hate, wrath, and the anathema of God that was directed towards man. Therefore God’s wrath was satisfied. However Jesus did not stay dead but rose on the third day defeating sin and death and is now seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for His people. Humanity is undeserving and unworthy of this saving grace, but God in His rich mercy has chosen to redeem a people for Himself. This gift of salvation can only be received by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. This message of the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to all that believe.



Worship is all about giving God the glory and praise that is due unto His name. The sole center of worship is Jesus. His holiness, His grace, and His sacrifice. In and during worship the only emphasis should be Jesus not our experiences, desires (spiritual or not), or personal pleasure. When the focus of worship is shifted off of Jesus it is no longer glorifying unto God, because He is not the person being sought after. The church is to worship in-light of the mercies of God and through their worship, adorn the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Christ is Returning:

Jesus Christ is coming back to receive all those whom He has redeemed unto Himself and to establish a new heaven and a new earth. He will judge the living and the dead and all those who have believed in His name shall be saved.

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